I can appreciate that medical science and the decisions about public policy from those in power are not the same thing! > These two parts together are why I'm against mask mandates (currently), and why I'm wondering about the non-study based parts of your thoughts. My stance, as I've said, is that *I think Long COVID is a serious enough danger that it's worth wearing masks in order to protect each other.* It feels especially important to me because there is a power imbalance: that those most at risk of Long COVID are affected by the decisions of people who choose not to mask because they feel ok about the lower risk (perceived or real) it presents to them. > You haven't addressed the freedom of choice / liberal values side of the argument I've made, for example. True: I don't think it would be productive. I don't think it's the right lens anyways: it's not about, imo, "making people" wear masks, it's about having a social consciousness that says, "hey, I want to protect folx in my community so I'm going to mask up in public spaces". It's not about making a law that mandates wearing masks either. You don't steal people's belongings just because the authorities say it's not allowed: it's a given because you don't want to hurt others. Imo this is entirely about people *wanting* to make the choice to care for each other. Warmth, ~ Kira